
Camping Beauséjour welcomes you every year from April to early October in Marseillan. By booking a pitch or a mobile home directly on our website, you are sure to get it at the best price. Take advantage of 3-star services during your stay at our campsite in Marseillan. Here, everything has been thought out for your comfort and so that you can simply enjoy.

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy


The Establishment

Company name: LOU ISA


RCS: 79234748600013

>Corporate form: Simplified joint-stock company

Intra-community VAT number: FR46792347486

The Site is hosted on the servers of OVH
SAS with a capital of 500 K€ < br>Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
RCS Roubaix in Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011
Telephone number: 08 203 203 63 - 0.118 €/mn

Editorial content

The Site offers editorial content (hotel, rooms, etc.) for documentary purposes only and as an indication. This content should be taken as food for thought. Users are invited by the Publisher to use this information with a critical mind and discernment.

Hypertext links to third-party sites

The Site offers hypertext links pointing to sites Internet published by third parties. The establishment of these links does not imply the approval by the publisher of the content of said sites. The Publisher cannot permanently monitor the content of said sites, and therefore cannot guarantee: the accuracy, reliability, relevance, updating or completeness of their content; their access and proper technical functioning. Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of any dispute between a site referenced on the Site and a User. Only the responsibility of the publishers of the sites referenced on the Site may be engaged.

Protection of privacy and personal data

The Site collects personal information provided by Users during their visit to the Site. This collection allows: The establishment of general statistics on traffic on the Site; The sending to the email addresses provided by the Users of answers, various information or announcements from the Publisher. The collection and processing of personal information on the Internet must respect the fundamental rights of individuals. Consequently, the Publisher is committed to a processing policy in accordance with Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy. Any user of the Site has the right to access, modify, rectify or delete personal data concerning him. He can exercise these rights by contacting the Publisher using the contact details given at the top of the page. To facilitate the exercise of these rights, Users of the Site can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe hypertext links present on the emails sent. Computers connecting to the Site's servers receive on their hard drive one or more files in very light text format commonly called "Cookies". Cookies record information relating to navigation on the Site made from the computer on which the "cookie" is stored (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.). They make it possible to identify successive visits made from the same computer. People connected to the Site are free to oppose the registration of "cookies". To do so, they can use the corresponding functionalities on their browser. However, the Editor draws the attention of Users that, in such a case, access to certain services of the Site may prove to be altered, or even impossible.

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< br>The Publisher has an obligation of means in terms of service accessibility and puts in place the necessary structures to make the Site accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the Publisher may suspend the access without notice, in particular for reasons of maintenance and upgrades. The Publisher is in no way responsible for any damages that may result for the User or any third party. The Publisher may at any time remove all or part of its Services or modify their content, in particular for technical reasons, without notice. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without prior notification, to any User access to all or part of the Site. Such a decision could in particular be taken in the event of non-compliance with the terms of this text by a User.

Mediator in the event of disputes
After contacting the after-sales service and failing that satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer may contact the following mediator free of charge: CM2C electronically: or by post: CM2C - 14 rue saint jean - 75017 PARIS

You have the possibility to register on the list of opposition to Bloctel telephone canvassing from the site

Droit applicable

This text is subject to French law. The Publisher reserves the right to amend the terms, conditions and warning notices at any time.


1. Camping Beau Séjour SAS LOU ISA - Privacy policy in accordance with Article 13 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679

Camping Beau-Séjour under the corporate name SAS LOU ISA, whose registered office is located at 11 chemin des embruns in Marseillan-plage (34340), France, registered under the siret number: 792 347 486 00013 is required to process personal data concerning you, with the aim of strengthening and perpetuating the relationship of trust between you and us, in a sincere and direct framework.

The preservation of your personal data is of great importance to us, which is why we have implemented a confidentiality charter to inform you of our policy with regard to the processing of this data. we collect and for what purposes.

2. Why, when and how we collect your personal data

a. Provide you with information about your requests for a stay at our establishment (via the website, telephone or e-mail)

We need to know your name, contact details and the content of your request. Without this information, we cannot provide you with the required information. We will use this information to respond to your request only. This processing is carried out to take pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.

In addition, and only with your express consent, we will use your contact details to send you newsletters and commercial communications regarding our products and services that may be of interest to you via email or post. This processing is based on your consent, and you can revoke your consent at any time by sending us an email at:

b. Complete and execute the reservation of your stay

To stay at the campsite, you must provide us with your name, contact details, date of birth at the booking stage for each participant in the stay. We also record information about your location preferences and the type of your equipment. We process this data on the basis of our contract with you.

We process this information to comply with regulatory requirements.

c. Additional on-site data processing activities

Some additional information about you may be collected during your stay, such as identifying additional people accompanying or visiting you.

Persons of foreign nationality must complete and sign a police form containing surname, first name, nationality, date of birth, address, telephone number in accordance with the regulations.

d. Ensure on-site security

We monitor campers on site at all times in order to be able to manage crisis situations, which ensures everyone's safety throughout the stay. Therefore, we record your name, pitch number, date of birth, people you are staying with, and information about special needs that may require specific assistance in emergencies. We process this data in order to ensure public safety and to manage crisis situations.

e. Requests and complaints, complaints and comments

We keep track of the comments and complaints you make on site in order to respond effectively to your requests. We process this data as part of the service we provide to you. You can make anonymous complaints or comments, but we remind you that in this case it will be impossible for us to follow up on your complaint or provide you with technical assistance.

Furthermore, we may use the content of this request, complaint or comment to improve our services. We limit, as much as possible, the use of data that could identify you personally. We will process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests in developing services that ensure our campers have a pleasant camping experience.

3. How long do we store submitted data?

There is no limit on the retention period for customer data. Archiving functionality under study.

Police files for foreigners are kept in accordance with the law for a period of six months.

In the case of online reservations, your bank details transmitted by a secure server (https) can be consulted only once, during the time the transaction is carried out.

4. who is likely to access your data?

None of your personal data is transmitted to partners for commercial purposes.

The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment

Only authorized personnel in charge of customer relations (maximum 2 people) can have access, by regularly renewed individual username and password, to your data such as name, address, date of birth, stay, invoice, payment, ..

Operations such as list extractions, online services (online payment) are managed solely by a single pilot person, namely Me Delphine Mancuso, manager.

All the information collected about you is stored on INAXEL management software, which is also committed to the protection of personal data.

5. Your rights as a data subject

The GDPR reinforces rights and the Beau Séjour campsite is committed to giving you appropriate control over your own data.

Regarding your personal data, you have the following rights in particular:

a. The right to access your personal data and obtain specific information on how we process it; we remind you that you can only exercise this right with regard to your own data or the data of a minor or other vulnerable person, in the event that you have provided this data as the holder of parental authority or legal responsibility. Camping Beau Séjour reserves the right to request proof of identity as well as to refuse to provide personal data if the identity or relevant link to the data subject cannot be proven.

b. The right to rectify your personal data

If you would like your customer file to be deleted or rectified from the campsite's database, you can send us a request.

Your file may be deleted if it does not contain any elements such as stay, invoice, payment, etc.

Otherwise the complete deletion is not possible (the NF525 standard requires that the name, postal code and city be entered for an invoice issue) but we can delete first name, address, telephones, e-mail , date of birth.

6. Contact us

The Beau Séjour SAS LOU ISA campsite is fully committed to ensuring that your personal life is respected at all times and that the processing of personal data complies with the data protection legislation in force.< /p>

If you have any doubts or questions regarding the data processing carried out by us, please contact us:




TEL: +33 (0)4 67 21 93 00